The Badonka Donk Challenge #BadonkaDonkChallenge


All of this talk about having the right booty can get on your nerves. Exactly what is the definition of a donkey booty or as we use to say coming up a bodonka donk. I took the challenge over two years ago to lose enough weight to steer my high blood pressure in the right direction. After succeeding with dropping my weight loss goal I kept going. With each challenge you have to switch it up and thus I have come up with my newest challenge.

With losing weight comes the challenge of toning up. I don’t know which is harder changing your eating habits, dropping weight, or building muscle. Well shoot they all have their challenges if you truly think about it. All of them require being strong mentally and thus I walk into my newest challenge. Why don’t you join me?

The Badonka Donk Challenge:

Weekly challenge yourself to perform daily lower body exercises.

Each week add more onto your overall count.

Obtain/purchase dumbbell weights for you to use at home and with your lower body exercises. Hold these weights in your hand to create a heavier torso creating a bigger challenge for you

After each session drink at least 8 ounces of water to keep you hydrated

Lower Body Exercises:

Dumbbell Squats

Forward Lunges with Dumbbells

Forward Lunges

Lateral Lunges


Wall Squats

Wide Leg Squats with Dumbbell

Walking Lunges

Perform one of the following daily in three sets. For example three sets of 10 or three sets of 20. Our check in day is May 15th where you post the after shot of your badonka donk to see what progress you have made. Even if you have a nice firm bottom now, see what this challenge can do for your legs, thighs, and stamina.

To get started have a friend take a pic of your badonka donk now and on May 15th take another to compare.  Tweet out your progress using #BadonkaDonkChallenge

Good luck to all of the participates!

Sign up by emailing [email protected]


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