So I was recently in my weekly writing class and they gave us an assignment to write a letter to ourself ten years from now. In less than four months we will be in a new decade and that made me think….Where will I be at 43? Will I have the things that I want? How will my children be? Where will I be living? My mind went on and on and when I finally sat down to write the letter to myself, this is what I came up with.

So your brain hasn’t gone out on your yet huh? I have been rooting for you girl. It was looking a little shaky around 33, girl I didn’t think you wasn’t gonna make it after that ….well let’s not hash up old news huh.
You made your dreams come true, so now what? Are we going to go into the next decade with you still chasing your thoughts or are you going to finally give him what you have always wanted, love.
I know I know, don’t roll your eyes at me but girl at this point you are going into your mid 40s soon, the kids are grown grown and you’ve made a lot fucking money. Why can’t you just be a girl for a moment and try the love thing for real this time?
Think about it all the times you have cried, the sacrifices you’ve made, you lost everything damn thing at one point, you didn’t tell that one dude that you really loved him, you’ve sold all the books and films that you ever could imagine and quite frankly before you begin to get old as hell I am ready for a new type of adventure for you.
I know you hate change; I know you that you like to just bank on yourself. But open up a little, because it’s going to help you create more stories. And I know that you can do it because,
Now let’s create your love story…..I definitely keep making money girl but make sure you are kissing on someone’s body too.